Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Fats in your body | How harmful are they and how to reduce them the natural way

     Body fat is an important compound to have in your body. It is responsible for the transfer of fat soluble vitamins and compounds form one part of body to the other. It is beneficial only when it is present in adequate amount. Having too less fat in your body prone you to various disease such as vitamin deficiency in your body whereas having too much fat in your body causes obesity and obesity is one of the most important cause of various diseases.

Some of the bad impacts in our body of having more fat in our body are:

1. Having more fat in our body leads to obesity which is a leading cause to various diseases and disorder in our body.

2. The sugar level in your blood and cholesterol can grow abnormally.

3. You will suffer from having big stomach and muscles which in turns take off all your beauty.

4. Makes your prone to various types of cancer in your bodies.

5. It increases the chance of heart disease as fat may build up in your blood veins and make them smaller.
    There are various ways to maintain the body fat in the proper level. If the methods are applied effectively then one can totally benefit from it whereas if one misuses this or even ignore them, then this can lad to increased health disorder. The following are the ways to manage fat in your body:

Ways to lose fat:


Running is one of the best way to maintain the fat level of the body. While running, we can burn a lots of calorie in a short period of time and this can lead in burning our fat also. While running, we also sweat and lose our body heat and as some of this heat is produced by burning our fat, we can lose our body fat effectively.


Body fat are the  results of excess carbohydrate in our body. It is caused when we intake large amount of carbohydrate than we actually need. If we go gym on a regular basis then, the carbohydrates can be used effectively to strengthen up. Also the loose muscles can be turned into tight muscles which are less likely to sow us fat than we actually are.


Losing fat is not possible only if we go to gym or do heavy exercises. We need to control the intake of our food also. If we intake too high amount of carbohydrate besides going to gym then also, we can't benefit from it. We won't be able to lose fat n our body. Also if we aren't regular on this then, it becomes impossible to lose body fat. We should be able to ignore the things that our body don't require.

4.Healthy diet:

To lose that fat in our body, we need to maintain a proper diet. We should strictly be attached to a balanced diet and not having extra calories than our body needs. Healthy foods like fruits, green vegetables, salads should only be consumed while the unhealthy things like oily dishes and junk foods are better not consumed. Junk foods and oily dishes are not only bad for our health but having them increases the fat in our body also.

5.Spice up your foods:

Spice are not only things that add taste to your food but they also can help you remain fit. According to a study conducted, it was found that spice are good agents to improve your metabolism. This in turn increases the speed your body digests fat and as a result you can lose more amount of fat in your body and it is very easy and an effective way. But remember, Eating too much spice is always bad.

If the above mentioned strategies are followed in proper and regular way then it won't take you to lose your body fats within months or even weeks.

Tired? Know how it is caused and how to get rid of it


   Getting tired is an usual thing. Everyone gets tired when they work for a long period of time. When a person is tired, he/she is constantly in need of good sleep or rest or it will be hard for the person to continue any work. This makes the person lazier and lazier day by day.

  Getting tired can be very costly. the person can't earn enough and save enough for living. The person will be less productive. People won't like him anymore and he can even be depressed.

Why you keep getting tired:

1. When a person sleeps a lot, his boy is constantly in need of more sleep. Its more like an addiction to sleep. This constant need for sleep is generally one of the main cause of tiredness. Whenever a person does some work, he/she feels tired instantly and can't continue it and hence takes rest from it. This makes the person more tired and lazy. Even sleeping for less time than required is responsible for fatigue.

2. In today's world the job has gone far more easier. People nowadays sit in a single place not moving for hours. This develops many problem in the person like headache, Back pain,etc. Constantly sitting in front of a computer hampers your sleep cycle.

3. One of the main reason of always getting tired is depression. When a person has recently gone through a break-up with special ones, lost someone then the person may lead into depression. He/She will have bad mood and hence they feel always tired.

4. Anemia is also one of the main cause of fatigue (Tired feeling). Anemia is the case when someone's blood lack RBC in it.When someone has less RBC in his/her blood then, there will be less circulation of oxygen into the blood. Less amount of oxygen reaches our cell and tissue than before and due to this we will have less energy.

5. Another leading cause of fatigue is dehydration. Dehydration is the case when our body don't receive the amount of water than needed. Person who drink less than one liter of water per day are most vulnerable to dehydration.

6. Blood sugar level can also affect fatigue of a person. Generally, when a person suffers from diabetes, he/she has decreased metabolism and as a result the body can't produce enough energy for  performing activities. Due to this, the person gets tired and is in need of rest for restoring energy.

7. One of the main cause of fatigue is a condition called sleep apnea. Due to sleep apnea, a person can have disorders in his/her breathe while sleeping. They will have paused breathe or shallow breathe during their sleep. Snoring also occurs in between this process. This will lead to inefficient sleep cycle and hence the person will suffer from fatigue.

Being tired all the time can be very costly and harmful. The person can turn less productive and he/she can't do anything. There are various ways to get rid of fatigue and some of them are listed below:

Ways to get rid of fatigue:

1. Have a proper balanced diet. This will insulate you from various diseases and hence prevents fatigue.

2. Have proper amount of sleep every day. Sleeping less and even sleeping more can make you feel tired and fatigue occurs. Hence one should always strive for having proper amount of sleep everyday routinely.

3. Exercising daily can help you cure your fatigue. For first few days, exercising can increase your fatigue even more but if you get going and get used to it then, you will have decreased fatigue. It also has other various physical and mental benefits so it is recommended for you to exercise daily.

   These things if followed properly can help you cure your fatigue efficiently.

Is meditation really good for you? Know why and why not


Meditation is one of the most beneficial tasks you can do right now. The number of people who meditate is increasing rapidly daily as many people have come across the importance of meditation. Meditation is not only effective for mental well being but it is equally effective in physical and social well being of a person. It can help you deal with lots of problems you are facing calmly.

    There are various way of meditation. Some type of mediation says tat on should keep their mind focused on only one thing at a time whereas some say that one should let their mind free and wander across all the thoughts that come along the way. Among them Buddhist meditation is considered to be the most effective one. 

For doing Buddhist meditation:

>>Just sit on floor or a chair in a position where you are just perpendicular to the horizon i.e. by keeping your back straight. Start breathing normally and let it continue on its own. Don't breathe too heavily or too softly, let it flow according to your body. After that close your eyes and just concentrate on your breathe. Don't let your mind wander anywhere else. If your mind tries to think of some other thing then, just bring it back to focusing on your breathe. Continue this for as long as you can and this will benefit you.

This meditation technique has the following advantages / Benefits:

1. While we force our mind to concentrate to only our breathe, we train our mind to concentrate on as single thing at a time so, this type of meditation improves our concentration capabilities. The more we perform this meditation, the more we are able to concentrate on a thing at a time.

2. Meditation is quite effective against stress. During meditation we breathe calmly and peacefully. This send a signal to our mind that we are no longer in stress. Also, as we will be concentrating on breathing, we will have less time thinking about the stress and anxiety we are having which in turn reduces them.

3. As meditation is effective against anxiety and stress, due to this our mind will be calm and can think more. Meditation is also effective and in favor of increased concentration. Hence, meditation can improve concentration by reducing stress and leaves a plenty of time for a person to think and to decide. So, meditation improves concentration.

4. Mediation is as much as effective in improvement in your physical betterment as it is to your mental development.During meditation, the position in which you sit helps in better digestion process. It also allows the oxygen in your boy to travel all around and make you physically fit. 

5. Sleep is natural and most needed natural phenomenon for our body. For a sound sleep, we need to have a peaceful mind. A stressful and disturbed mind leads to a bad sleep which in turns lads to our bad health. Meditating can improve the quality of our sleep my suppressing stress and disturbance in our mind.

     Meditation has such beneficial health impacts to our body. By understanding this, many people have already started to meditate. Even meditating for half an hour a day is very much effective in long terms. Meditation can show results of improvement in a short time in months or even weeks. Many people face depression and stress which can be easily controlled by meditating. Hence it is recommended for each and every individual to meditate daily.